Connecting, growing, and serving together.
This is life at ERAG.
Life at ERAG
We believe that life in Christ is best experienced within a faith community. Truthfully, that’s how God designed it.
Here at ERAG, we connect, we worship, we grow, and we serve Eaton Rapids - together. As a team. As a family.
Explore below for opportunities to connect and serve.
Sunday AM Prayer - 10:00am
We gather together for a time of prayer before our Sunday morning gatherings. During this time we pray for each other, for our community, and for
the day of ministry that is about to take place.
Men’s Warrior Group - Wednesdays, 7-8:15AM
The men of ERAG gather at the church building on Wednesdays at 7AM. Typically, we’ll go through a book together, using it as a springboard for great
conversation and growth together. Currently, we’re reading, “Six Battles Every Man Must Win.” We can’t wait to see ya and you can join at any time!

We are excited to share the gospel and the hope of Jesus Christ through our Day of Hope community outreaches held throughout the year. Day of Hope consists of a variety of events focused on reaching people with the love and hope of Christ. Whether it’s with free clothing, haircuts, lunches, community picnics, or back-to-school and Christmas shop events, we seek to be a tangible blessing to the families of Eaton Rapids and the surrounding communities.
If you have any questions about how to best connect with ERAG or how to get involved in Day of Hope or any other serving opportunity, click the button below and one of our team members will reach out to you!